Easy Lentil Salad

I never knew lentils could be so tasty and versatile and right now I am especially enamored with the beautiful French Lentil.

French Lentils

Now that I am more familiar with this ingredient, I find myself using the French Lentil variety often.  Its texture is firm and its flavor is both verdant and earthy.  I have been incorporating the French Lentil into soups, salads, stews, and I even use it when I make my vegetable stock.

This simple recipe, inspired by the flavors of tabouli, showcases the French Lentil.  It is an easy summer dish that is picnic friendly (no mayo!), plant based / vegan, and gluten-free too!

I enjoy this dish for lunch and it works well as a side dish too.


by: Jenn Surowitz @FoodByJenn / http://www.foodbyjenn.com

Cook 1 cup dried French Lentils in a large pot of boiling water for about 45 minutes (or until tender or to your desired tenderness). Drain and let the lentils either come to room temperature or chill.  You can use cooking time or chilling time to prep the other ingredients listed below.

3 Very thin slices of red onion, minced (approximately 1-2 Tablespoons)

1 clove of garlic, peeled and finely minced (or pressed in a garlic press or grated on a microplaneContinue reading

Ohh La La Lentils

French Lentils

I am currently on a mission to cook with more vegetables and other plant based foods.

I mentioned this to a friend who recommended I try French Lentils.

I purchased my first batch today (pictured above).

They are so beautiful!!! – each one like a little cosmic planet – filled with joy and fuel and possibility.

I am so excited to experiment with these “petites beautés” over the next few days!

Have fun in your kitchen this weekend!

