Easy Lentil Salad

I never knew lentils could be so tasty and versatile and right now I am especially enamored with the beautiful French Lentil.

French Lentils

Now that I am more familiar with this ingredient, I find myself using the French Lentil variety often.  Its texture is firm and its flavor is both verdant and earthy.  I have been incorporating the French Lentil into soups, salads, stews, and I even use it when I make my vegetable stock.

This simple recipe, inspired by the flavors of tabouli, showcases the French Lentil.  It is an easy summer dish that is picnic friendly (no mayo!), plant based / vegan, and gluten-free too!

I enjoy this dish for lunch and it works well as a side dish too.


by: Jenn Surowitz @FoodByJenn / http://www.foodbyjenn.com

Cook 1 cup dried French Lentils in a large pot of boiling water for about 45 minutes (or until tender or to your desired tenderness). Drain and let the lentils either come to room temperature or chill.  You can use cooking time or chilling time to prep the other ingredients listed below.

3 Very thin slices of red onion, minced (approximately 1-2 Tablespoons)

1 clove of garlic, peeled and finely minced (or pressed in a garlic press or grated on a microplaneContinue reading

Kale Me Now

I have been on the hunt this year for a revitalizing, refreshing and flavorful GREEN smoothie.  I have tried a variety of recipes thus far involving spinach, grapes and cucumbers among other fruits and veggies.

Last month, I purchased a copy of Oprah magazine (mainly for the clutter busting tips, as I am a big fan of organizing).  The issue contained a few recipes including one for a kale based juice! Check out the recipe here.  Continue reading

Going Green in 2012?

In my last post, I mentioned that I am the proud new owner of a Vitamix high performance blender.  I have been dying to get this tool in my kitchen for some time and it was a VERY special Christmas gift.  I have been making soups, frozen desserts, fruit smoothies and even frozen cocktails in this appliance.

A few days ago, inspired by an article in Bon Appetit Magazine, I made the above pictured veggie based elixir. I always try to use up what I already have in my refrigerator/pantry, so I put my own spin on the recipe.  Continue reading


Photo by: foodbyjenn.com

You may have already heard, but here in the Northeast we had a freakish October snowstorm! For me, there is nothing better to eat during a snowstorm than soup. Although I had canned soup in the cabinet, I wanted to create a soup using the ingredients and leftovers I found in my pantry and refrigerator.  I felt very inspired by the shades of the vibrant fall foliage contrasted with the stark white falling snow, and I decided to celebrate this early winter trick of nature by making a colorful, healthy, and filling soup for a cozy dinner treat.  Continue reading