Happy Valentine’s Day!!


I hope you are all having a nice Valentine’s Day so far!

I just want to express my thanks for all the “love” you have shown this blog by commenting, sharing and chatting with me about it on and off line.

Whether you are cooking for yourself or a loved one or “just a friend” tonight remember to add an extra dash of love. Even if you are just making a cocktail or pouring a glass of wine focus a little love into the experience and make it a little extra special.

Have a great day and thank you again for all of your support and feedback!


Fun-filled, Food-filled February


February is not exactly my favorite month because in the past it has been marred by nasty weather and sad memories.

This year, I am determined to change my opinion of February and bring fun (and of course FOOD) to my February canvas!

After some quick research, I realized that February has some major and minor events that can easily celebrated with food.

A big thank you to the very fun website www.punchbowl.com which I used for a resource and for inspiration.  Continue reading